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Version: 0.5.0


Overview of TNLCM and 6G-Library implementation


State Machine

TNLCM is a state machine that allows the automation of component deployment. Green indicates what is implemented and red indicates what is in the process of implementation.


  • activated: the trial network is deployed in OpenNebula and ready to use.
  • created: the trial network descriptor is created but not yet validated.
  • destroyed: the trial network deployment is removed from OpenNebula and ready for deploy again.
  • failed-activation: the trial network deployment failed. It is waiting for the user to try again.
  • failed-destruction: the trial network deployment removal failed. It is waiting for the user to try again.
  • purged: all the information about the trial network is removed from the database.
  • validated: the trial network descriptor is created and validated. It is ready to be deployed in OpenNebula.


  • initial-statecreated: create a trial network descriptor that not validated yet. It allows save the descriptor for further editing at a later time.
  • initial-statevalidated: create and validate a trial network descriptor in the same step. It check if the descriptor can be deployed.
  • createdcreated: edit the trial network descriptor.
  • createdvalidated: apply validation to the trial network descriptor.
  • createdpurged: remove all the information about the trial network in database.
  • validatedpurged: remove all the information about the trial network in database.
  • validatedactivated: activate the trial network. It deploys the trial network in OpenNebula.
  • validatedfailed-activation: trial network deployment failed. It is waiting for the user to try again.
  • failed-activationfailed-activation: retry the trial network deployment and it fails again.
  • failed-activationactivated: retry the trial network deployment and it is successful.
  • failed-activationdestroyed: remove the trial network deployment from OpenNebula and ready for deploy again.
  • activateddestroyed: remove the trial network deployment from OpenNebula and ready for deploy again.
  • activatedfailed-destroyed: trial network deployment removal failed. It is waiting for the user to try again.
  • destroyedpurged: remove all the information about the trial network in database.
  • destroyedfailed-activation: retry the trial network deployment and it fails.
  • destroyedactivated: retry the trial network deployment and it is successful.
  • failed-destructiondestroyed: retry the trial network deployment removal and it is successful.
  • failed-destructionfailed-destruction: retry the trial network deployment removal and it fails again.
