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Version: 0.4.0

Contributing to documentation

Set up your environment​

Fork the repository​

Fork the project to your GitHub account to have your own copy. To do this, click the "Fork" button at the top right of the repository page on GitHub. This will create a copy of the repository in your GitHub account.

Clone your fork​

After forking, clone the repository to your local machine. To do this, copy the URL of your fork by clicking the green "Code" button.

git clone <URL of your fork>

Add the original repository as a remote​

To keep your fork updated with changes from the original repository, add the original repository as a remote.

git remote add upstream <URL of the original repository>

Add new section to the documentation​

To add a new section to the documentation, follow these steps:

Create a branch from main​

  • The branch name should follow the format feature/<section_name>.
  • The <section_name> should be meaningful.
git switch -c feature/<section_name> main

Create a directory inside the docs directory​

  • The name of the directory must be <section_name>.
  • If the directory name requires spaces, separate words using -.

Add files to the new directory <section_name>​

  • Include a _category_.json file with the following structure:
"position": <next_position>,
"label": "<section_name>",
"collapsible": true,
"collapsed": true,
"className": "red",
"link": {
"type": "generated-index",
"title": "<section_name> Overview"
"customProps": {
"description": ""
  • Add as many markdown files as required for the new documentation section. Each markdown file must begin with the following structure:
sidebar_position: 1
title: "<title>"
sidebar_label: "<sidebar_label>"
draft: false
  • The first heading level in the markdown file should be ##. Please avoid using #.
  • If the markdown file name requires spaces, separate words using -.
  • If the documentation requires images, create a directory named images inside the <section_name> directory.

Test the rendering of your documentation​

You can do it locally or by using tools provided by Docusaurus. Refer to the README file for more information.

Commit the changes to your branch​

git add .
git commit -m "Add new <section_name> section to the documentation"

Push the changes to your fork​

git push origin feature/<section_name>

Create a pull request on GitHub​

Go to your docs fork and click "Pull request" to start one. The pull request should be from your branch to the main branch of the original repository.

  • Include @CarlosAndreo or @alvarocurt as a reviewer.
  • The pull request must include:
    • The new section directory inside docs directory.
    • The images of the new section inside <section_name> directory (if required).

Once the pull request has been reviewed, the changes will be merged into the main branch of the original repository.

Update documentation section​

To update a documentation section, follow these steps:

Create a branch from main​

  • The branch name should follow the format fix/<section_name>.
  • The <section_name> must be a directory that must exist in the documentation.
git switch -c fix/<section_name> main

Update the directory created inside the docs directory​

Maintaining the structure.

Test the rendering of your documentation​

You can do it locally or by using tools provided by Docusaurus. Refer to the README file for more information.

Commit the changes to your branch​

git add .
git commit -m "Fix <section_name> section documentation"

Push the changes to your fork​

git push origin fix/<section_name>

Create a pull request on GitHub​

Go to your docs fork and click "Pull request" to start one. The pull request should be from your branch to the main branch of the original repository.

  • Include @CarlosAndreo or @alvarocurt as a reviewer.
  • The pull request must include:
    • The section directory updated inside docs directory.
    • The images of the section inside <section_name> directory (if required).

Once the pull request has been reviewed, the changes will be merged into the main branch of the original repository.