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Version: 0.4.0

News & Updates

📆 2025-02-22

New toolkit installer version is available! This update brings key improvements and optimizations to enhance the 6G-SANDBOX ecosystem.

🔥 What's New?

🔧 Toolkit Installer v0.4.0

🔗 Repository: 6G-SANDBOX/Toolkit-Installer

📄 Changelog: Toolkit Installer v0.4.0 Release Notes

How to install

To install the new version of the toolkit installer, follow the instructions here.

📆 2025-02-06

New versions of 6G-Library and TNLCM are here! These updates bring key improvements and optimizations to enhance the 6G-SANDBOX ecosystem.

🔥 What's New?

🧠 TNLCM v0.4.5

🔗 Repository: 6G-SANDBOX/TNLCM

📄 Changelog: TNLCM v0.4.5 Release Notes

📚 6G-Library v0.4.0

🔗 Repository: 6G-SANDBOX/6G-Library

📄 Changelog: 6G-Library v0.4.0 Release Notes

⬆️ How to Upgrade

Upgrade TNLCM following the instructions here.

The following appliances from 6G-SANDBOX Marketplace have been updated:

  • 6G-Sandbox bastion
  • IxChariot endpoint
  • Loadcore Agent Test Tool
  • Loadcore Agent Test Tool + hugepages
  • Open5GS VM
  • route-manger-api
  • Technitium DNS

Please remove the old versions of the appliances and download the new ones.

Update core yaml in 6G-Sandbox-Sites pointing to the new images and templates id. Also new variables from sites are required.

💬 We'd love your feedback! If you encounter any issues or have suggestions, feel free to open an issue in corresponding repositories.